How to Donate

The COURAGEndures Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not for profit, charitable organization. Your tax-deductible** gifts, both large and small, will help us to achieve our mission of affecting change in our community. Thank you in advance for your generous support that helps subsidize our programs and experiences!

Check or Money Order

Please mail a check or money order to:

COURAGEndures Foundation

501 Meadow Ridge

Norman, OK 73072

Debit, Credit Card, or ACH Bank Transfer




The generosity of our donors sustains our commitment to quality, independence, and impact and makes possible our efforts to provide practical, effective and non-clinical solutions to the diabetic community.

COURAGEndures actively seeks support from a diverse group of donors to ensure that no single person, entity, or industry can be perceived to have influence on the experiences or recommendations produced by our Foundation. All potential sources and terms of support undergo a thorough internal review that ensures our absolute commitment to independence and our full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

COURAGEndures is committed to transparency in our funding relationships. In each year’s Annual Report, we publish a full list of donors, grouped into ranges of gift amount. The COURAGEndures Annual Report (including this list) will be available here on the COURAGEndures website or by requesting a report via our Contact page.

COURAGEndures provides a number of ways for donors to get involved in the active life of the Foundation. Donors also can choose to receive periodic communications from the Foundation that highlights recent programs and experiences via our newsletter.

**All donors should consult with their professional tax advisor regarding the tax deductibility of their gift.

Privacy Policy

COURAGEndures is committed to respecting the privacy of our donors.

Information Collected

Here are the types of donor information that we collect and maintain:

  • Contact information: name, organization/company, complete address, phone number, email address

  • Donation information: amounts donated, date of donation(s), method and stimulus

  • Information concerning hours you have volunteered

  • Your requests and comments

  • Information gathered from database modeling firms

  • Non-personally identifiable information, such as how many hits each COURAGEndures website page receives, and if the visitor is a repeat or new. This requires that a ‘cookie’ be sent to your web browser.

How Information is Used

COURAGEndures uses your data to maintain records of donations, send acknowledgements, mail year-end tax statements to you, send newsletters, notices and direct mail pieces, and for internal marketing purposes. We normally add you to our mailing list, unless you request otherwise. Our third-party mailing service is contractually obligated to treat the lists with confidentiality and is prohibited from transferring them elsewhere. We do NOT list individuals’ names in ANY of our publications. Corporate and Foundation sponsors are listed in our Annual Report and event programs. We use your written comments/letters occasionally to post on our website (in an anonymous fashion) and to respond to your inquiries. Credit card numbers are NOT retained once processed. Our website has an SSL certificate.

Donations over 2% of our entire budget must be reported on IRS Form 990, Schedule B. We use website statistics to analyze our website usage.

No Sharing of Personal Information

COURAGEndures will not sell, rent, trade or transfer your personal information to outside organizations. Use of donor information will be limited to the internal purposes of COURAGEndures and only to further the mission of COURAGEndures. Nevertheless, security measures may not prevent all losses, and COURAGEndures is not responsible for any damages or liabilities relating to security failures.

Removing Your Name From Our Mailing List

Please contact us if you wish to be removed from our mailing list by emailing